My Skills

Here's What I Can Do

Being a multimedia arts students has allowed me to explore different forms of art. While I have learned about several different forms of art over the course of my college life, I'd say that I do lean heavily towards the following :

My Specialties

  1. Graphic Design
  2. Photography
  3. Video Production and Editing

Graphic Design

The very first art form that I picked up and fell in love with was actually graphic design. Though I don't consider it to be my main medium of creating, I still dip into it from time to time. Here's a few of the graphic design posters that I've worked on over the years.

"Dada" Movement Inspired Album Art "Grunge" Movment Inspired Video Game Poster Episode poster for a DnD Game I run


I attribute my love of photography to my dad. It's his hobby and he would always use me as his subject when I was a kid. I guess the shutterbug bit me as I grew up. As most kids these days, I started taking more "aesthetic" photos when I got a smartphone with a decent camera. Eventually, my tita gave me her DLSR camera since she wasn't using it anymore. That's where my journey into camerawork began!

Here's a current photo series I shot and edited with the concept of using the pantone color of 2024 - "Peach Fuzz"

Video Editing And Production

Here it is! The main love of my artistic journey...Video Production. It all started back in senior high with the sudden spike in video related assignments and projects. Despite the stress of it all, I found myself falling more and more in love with video editing. As time went on, I realized that the entertainer in me also loved "being" in the videos, and so a love for producing videos was also formed!

I've edited multiple types of videos over the years, and I'm still trying to find what I'm passionate about, but for now, here are some vids of mine that you can take a look at!

Stream Highlight Clip (follow me on Twitch hehe) Music Video I shot and edited for my church Currently the editor for an org called "Psypoints"